The Secret of the Shaman
The project 'YouTube Museum of the Havellandes' in Brandenburg, Germany, worked with youth to produce the film 'The Secret of the Shaman'. The project worked with and in the Pregnitz-Museum to the mottos of 'Culture empowers' and 'for us–by us!'
In the spring and summer months of 2016 kids and teenagers aged 7-17 from the regions of Glöwen, Sandau, Havelberg, Berlin as well as youth from the Havelberger DRK-asylum for teenage fugitives from Syrian and Afghanistan encountered each other once a week for this project. Together they explored the permanent exhibition of the Pregnitz-Museum. The kids choose their favourite items and created drawings and short texts inspired by the history and use of the object they had chosen. Combining the seven storyboards, the kids turned these into a film script and produced a short adventure film called 'The Secret of the Shaman'.
The whole project spanned 3 months. The participants spent the last week in the town of Strohdehne together rehearsing and filming.
A project by Donald Becker
Camera/edit, acting coach: Eunice Maurice