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Güter Geld Genießen (Property Money enjoyment)
is a media installation which is part of the special exhibition "Work, Meaning and Care" in the
German Hygiene Museum Dresden.
The four video towers showed the different ways in which people relate to the themes of work and capital.
The material used came from television and photo archives.
The overwhelming flood of images, mixed with the sound backdrop of the original voices from the videos, give the installation an organic feel.
The videos were played in an eight-minute loop.
Format: 25 x 576p (42“ LCD Displays), 8 x XGA (Projektions), 4 Kanal Ton, all synchronized.

The installation was cooperation with curators (Prauth) and scenographers (Chezweitz & Roseapple) the exhibition, the German Hygiene Museum Dresden and the program "Arbeit in Zukunft" of the German Federal Cultural Foundation.
Concept and script: Practice for exhibitions and theory [Hürlimann | Lepp | Tyradellis] with Nina Wiedemeyer and Christina Vagt
scenography: Detlef Weitz and Rose Epple
Design and realization: Autocolor (edit, composing and programming: Christian Frey, Eunice Maurice, Timm Ringewaldt; sound design: Daniel Dorsch)
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