"The art of Missing II", an ongoing project
Memory mapping
Berlin is place of migration, a melting pot of different nationalities.
Where do these people go when they miss home?
The place I go to is my balcony from which I look out over the city, the limitless sky reminds me of the seaside.
For this project I would like to invite people to show me the places that remind them of home.
By recording their voices and collecting video/photo material I want to create a memory map .
A map for other people to share and experience Berlin in different way.
Please mail me if
you are interested or want to share your story
"The art of Missing III", an ongoing project
Sporen hinter Lassen,
I was here, now I’m gone.
We all leave traces of our existence, in our surroundings, in the air.
Most of the time we don't realise what we leave behind, sometimes we don't care.
It is fascinating to walk into spaces where one can almost touch the past places where time took over where people passed in and out and left layers of memories, traces of themselves, graffiti, texts, empty cans and trash
time passes, moult and rust, nature takes over, buildings are taken down and the memories that go with it erased
Capturing a moment and making time freeze is what photography does.
To become part of the passage of time and leave a trace in the layers of memories, I make pictures, come back to the places where the picture was taken, make a picture of the picture in the picture, leave it and let time take over.